This page provides a way for you to obtain a table of the altitude and azimuth of the Sun or Moon during a specific day, at a time interval that you specify. Simply specify the object, date, tabular interval, and place below and click on the "Compute Table" button. to Your Sky, the interactive planetarium of the Web. You can produce maps in the forms described below for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location. coordinates (WGS-84, NAD-83, and NAD-27) to and from Latitude/Longitude and UTM. Also, if the location is within the conterminous 48 states, you'll get the converted coordinates for the other map datums. ECLIPSES in Mesoamerica, AD 1 to AD 1600: The list includes the solar eclipses that were theoretically observable from a number of major locations in territories known to have been the cultural area of the Mayas and Aztecs.