Recreate the army of Tenochtitlan with these conforming figures and smart props for Poser 6. Fifteen original meshes and forty-four unique, historically accurate texture, bump, and opacity maps bring the Aztec Imperial Army to life.
Recreate Tenochtitlan.
Gallery and Downloads. Rendered images of 3d models representing cultural and natural environments of Precolumbian Mesoamerica. Click image to view full-size.
"And when the warlike lands were reached, the brave warrior generals and commanding generals then showed the others the way and arranged them in order. No one might break ranks or crowd in among the others, they would then and there slay or beat whoever would bring confusion or crowd in among the others. All the warriors were extended there, until the moment that Yacauitzli, god of the night, would descend - that darkness would fall."
"He is the maneuverer of troops - a courageous warrior, one whose mission is to go to his death. The good Tlacatecatl or Tlacochcalcatl is able, prudent, a holder of vigil, a maneuverer of forces. He devises strategies, he declares, he assumes the responsibility of war. He distributes, commands, supervises the provisioning. He lays out, he searches out the roads to the foes, he tracks them. He establishes the war huts, the prisons, the market places in enemy lands. He places the sentries, posts the chosen ones, the concentrated ones. He interrogates them, he discovers the places where the enemy will approach."
Seven Captive Warrior. The Shorn One (Quachic) "The shorn one is of many virtues. He is a bulwark, furious in war; a rabid, a vigorous warrior; a great leader. The good shorn one is a skirmisher, an aggressor, who hurls himself to his death; a vanquisher, a sweeper away of the foe. He encircles the foe; he turns them back. He instils courage, he instils pride. He is unchallenged; no man meets his gaze. He remains firm; he stands up against one."
Otomi: Xopolli (claw back.)
Momoyactli: Spray of Plumes
Cuextecatl. Huaxtepec. Including Cicitlallo Cuextecatl: starry Cuextecatl.
Papalotl: Butterfly backbanner.
Pamalitl/ Pamitl backbanner.